Energy Healing
In person or *distance healing session
Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, a type of alternative medicine. In Reiki the practitioner uses a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which, a universal energy is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient, to encourage emotional or physical healing.
60 min - $85.00
*Distance Healing, also known as Remote Healing, is the relaxing transfer of energy from a practitioner to the recipient, no matter where they happen to be. Distance Healing has the ability to be effective without the need for physical presence and can be felt across any distance
Crystal Energy Healing
In person or *distance healing session
In crystal healing treatments, different crystals are used according to your chakra system (energy centers that run along your spine) to promote health and healing on a mental, emotional and physical level
60 min - $85.00
*Distance Healing, also known as Remote Healing, is the relaxing transfer of energy from a practitioner to the recipient, no matter where they happen to be. Distance Healing has the ability to be effective without the need for physical presence and can be felt across an
Deluxe Chakra Cleanse
This treatment will start with a short meditation to calm and relax the nervous system. We will then invoke the power of the crystals to cleanse and rebuild every chakra by placing specific stones along the entire length of the spine using the "stone empowerment method" taught by Jane Hightower. This session also includes sound healing with tuning forks; a specific set of tuning forks is used on the sole of the foot to work with the reflex zones of the chakra system. We will finish by activating the chakra points with tuning forks directly on the body
75 min - $120.00