Massage Therapy
Massage can greatly benefit your overall well-being. Focused massage techniques can help decrease pain and increase your range of motion, make it easier to move and function more normally, and help you heal faster from a variety of medical concerns. Adding massage into your self-care routine can benefit you greatly on a physical and mental level. Physically it reduces muscle tension and pain, improves cardiovascular health, helps relieve headaches, lowers blood pressure, increases range of motion, enhances the immune system, and much more! In addition to its physical benefits, massage has also shown to be vital in helping clients with anxiety and depression.
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage is best known as a way to help relieve stress and muscle tension. This type of massage involves more focused work on your body’s soft tissue, the muscles, tendons and ligaments that move and support your body.
60 minutes - $75
90 minutes - $110
120 minutes - $155
Intuitive Healing Experience
Step into a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation with our Intuitive Healing Experience. Here, the art of massage seamlessly intertwines with energy healing, creating a harmonious blend tailored to your unique needs. Each session is guided by my intuition, listening to the innate wisdom of your body. Through a variety of modalities like Reiki, Crystal and Sound Healing, we will work to release tension, restore balance, and enhance your overall wellbeing.
60 minutes - $95
90 minutes - $120
120 minutes - $160
Chakra Balancing Massage
This relaxing massages focuses on the 7 main chakras along your spine. I will incorporate the use of crystal healing with essential oils and deep, lengthening and soothing strokes to relieve muscle pain and tension.
70 minutes - $105.00
Book Your Session Now
Stephanie Winter, LMT
Florida MA# 76497
Georgia MT# 013733